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Cori spezzati (polychoral pieces) scores

The most well-known Renaissance example of the cori spezzati style was the use of two choirs in the basilica di San Marco in Venice, and in Venice in general. It is attested by reference and in manuscript sources several decades before print sources began to appears in the middle of the 16th century, with one of the first examples being a collection of psalm pieces by Willaert. Orlando di Lasso began to make extensive use of the technique in the 1550s with both large motets and intimate secular music (see also: instrumental canzona, where it is especially associated with Giovanni Gabrieli. During the early 17th century, the popularity spread outbound into Europe. Praetorius became well-known for his polychoral motets and chorales in the 1620s.

Multiple choirs provides opportunity for echo and response in texts, in contrasting colors and tessituras of instrumentation or voice ranges, as well as a large 'wall of sound' in tutti sections.

Hawthorne Early Music editions: polychoral scores
ComposerTitleSubtitle# PartsLanguageModeFiles
Filippo Duc (c.1550-c.1586) Sacre Muse beate 8 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Stefano Felis (c.1550-c.1603) Cantate Domino canticum novum 8 latin Ionian Score + Parts
Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (c.1560-1627) La Bergamasca 8 instrumental Ionian Score + Parts
Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (c.1560-1627) La Napolitana 8 instrumental Dorian Score + Parts
Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (c.1560-1627) La Fiorentina 8 instrumental Ionian Score + Parts
Gioseffo Guami (1542-1611) Canzon XXIV 8 instrumental Dorian Score + Parts
Orindio Bartolini (c.1580-1640) Canzon trigesima 8 instrumental Mixolydian Score + Parts
Orazio Vecchi (1550-1605) Stavasi Aminta 7 italian Dorian Score + Parts
Giaches de Wert (1535-1596) Lungo le rive del famoso Tebro 7 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Emilio de' Cavalieri (c.1550-1602) O che nuovo miracolo coro I (à 5) 5 italian Mixolydian Score + Parts
Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599) Quel lauro, che fu in me già 10 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Ruggiero Giovannelli (c.1560-1625) Donne, la pura luce 8 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Giaches de Wert (1535-1596) Cara Germania mia 8 italian Hypodorian Score + Parts
Giaches de Wert (1535-1596) Tirsi morir volea 7 italian Dorian Score + Parts
Giaches de Wert (1535-1596) Vicino un chiaro e cristallino fonte Dialogo a sette 7 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Giaches de Wert (1535-1596) Onde avviene cor mio che in tanti affanni 7 italian Dorian Score + Parts
Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1554-1612) Sonata a 22 22 instrumental Ionian Score + Parts
Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1547-1612) Canzon quarti toni 15 instrumental Phrygian Score + Parts
Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1547-1612) Canzon noni toni 8 instrumental Hypodorian Score + Parts
Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1547-1612) Canzon duodecimi toni 8 instrumental Ionian Score + Parts
Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1547-1612) Canzon primi toni à 8 8 instrumental Dorian Score + Parts
Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676) Canzon à 8 8 instrumental Ionian Score + Parts
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) Ave Maria gratia plena 8 latin Dorian Score + Parts
Orlande de Lassus (c.1532-1594) Osculetur me 8 latin Hypodorian Score + Parts
Orlande de Lassus (c.1532-1594) Deus misereatur nostri 8 latin Phrygian Score + Parts
Floriano Canale (c.1550-c.1603) La Canobbia 8 instrumental Mixolydian Score + Parts
Giovanni Croce (1557-1609) Filli morir vorrei Dialogo à 7 7 italian Dorian Score + Parts
Giovanni Croce (c.1557-1609) Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel The Canticle of Zechariah 8 latin Ionian Score + Parts
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c.1525-1594) Ave Regina coelorum 8 latin Ionian Score + Parts
Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599) Se 'l pensier che mi strugge 8 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599) Cantiam la bella Clori 8 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599) Donne, il celeste lume 9 italian Mixolydian Score + Parts
Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585) A le guancie di rose 8 italian Dorian Score + Parts
Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585) Tirsi, che fai così dolente 8 italian Dorian Score + Parts
Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585) Tirsi morir volea 7 italian Hypodorian Score + Parts
Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585) Jubilate Deo 8 latin Mixolydian Score + Parts
Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585) Ave Regina coelorum 8 latin Mixolydian Score + Parts
Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585) O magnum mysterium 8 latin Dorian Score + Parts
Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585) Gloria in excelsis Deo 16 latin Dorian Score + Parts
Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585) Deus misereatur nostri 12 latin Ionian Score + Parts
Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) Angelus ad pastores ait 8 latin Dorian Score + Parts
Cesario Gussago (fl.1599-1612) L'Onofria 8 instrumental Dorian Score + Parts
Pietro Lappi (c.1575-1630) L'Arborea 7 instrumental Mixolydian Score + Parts