Like a skilled hand retouching well-tuned strings makes wonderful harmony; so we likewise hope for the Madrigals of this DRY LAUREL, collected by us with exquisite diligence from the most Excellent Composers of Italy, and now printed and to you dedicated; if these will by your grace be found worthy, accompanied by your voices [singers], they may with their harmony reveal themselves meritous of your protection, and we, who are their [the madrigals—ed.] fathers, because we have until now restrained our affection for them, waiting that they be measured by your infallible judgement: Under your judicious, but kindly discernment; we will shortly present another selection of Madrigals, composed about a new and green Laurel, from whose precious and fresh roots one can expect ripe and most sweet fruits, these, if any of these be picked improvidently, remain sour, [but] they will undoubtedly ripen into the sweetest apple of Music. Meanwhile, confiding in pure and sincere intentions, in order to avoid the bite of jealousy, we have not wanted to conceal it from the protection of any Prince, as be the custom for work these days, more so because we do not long for any other reward for our labors than your unversal beneficent grace, into which we commend ourselves.