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Giravan quelle foglie: Terza parte

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: None

Music composer: Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585)
Music source: Il primo libro de madrigali a6 voci (Gardano press, Venice, 1574)

Original ItalianTranslation
Giravan quelle foglie
u' si lodavan le belezze e'l nome
i begli occhi e le chiome
di quella ch'รจ cagion delle mie doglie,
intorno ad una face
che spense una farfalla invid'audace.
The leaves were swirling,
where being praised were the beauty and the name,
the lovely eyes and the tresses
of she who is the cause of my pains,
like around a flame
that burnt a moth too bold and envious.

Link to musical piece: Giravan quelle foglie