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Dal gran pastor Idèo

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Giovanni Contino (c.1513-1574)
Music source: Di Cipriano Il quarto libro di madrigali a 5 voci (Antonio Gardano press, Venice, 1557)

Original ItalianTranslation
Dal gran pastor Idèo vista e rapita
la bella figlia che di Leda nacque
cagion fu ch'indi in fiamme Troia giacque.
Io, che sol col desio
della beltà infinita
d'Elena godo in un più fier ardore,
tengo li spirti e'l core
ch'al fin quel foco è stinto pur finio,
ma ognor per farse eterno cresc'il mio.
Seen and abducted by the great Idaean shepherd,
the beautiful daughter born of Leda
was the cause that set sleeping Troy aflame.
I, with only desire
for the infinite beauty
of Helen enjoy an even fiercer passion,
sustaining my spirit and heart,
for in the end even that fire was extinguished,
but mine, becoming eternal, yet grows.

Link to musical piece: Dal gran pastor Idèo