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Cantavan quatro legiadrette Ninfe: Prima parte

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: None

Music composer: Jean de Castro (c.1540-c.1600)
Music source: Rose fresche (Ricciardo Amadino press, Venice, 1591)

Original ItalianTranslation
Cantavan quattro legiadrette Ninfe,
in sì soavi accenti
ch'acquetarono il mar fermar i venti,
quando appresso le belle
Damon s'assise, e raddoppiò i concenti,
spargend'il suon in queste parti e'n quelle.
Four graceful nymphs were singing
in such sweet tones
so as to calm the seas, to still the winds;
When near the beautiful ones
Damon seated himself, and redoubled their harmony
spreading the sound far and wide.

Link to musical piece: Cantavan quatro legiadrette Ninfe