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Qual grazia o qual beltate

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Marc'Antonio Ingegneri (c.1535-1592)
Music source: Il primo libro di madregali a 4 voci (Angelo Gardano press, Venice, 1578)

Original ItalianTranslation
Qual grazia o qual beltate
infuse mai dal ciel benigna stella
nelle cose create?
Qual interna bontate
un'alma rese mai sì adorna e bella
in questa o in altra etade,
ch'agguagli il bello che, entr'e fuor, dimostra
questa vaga e gentil signora nostra?
What grace and what beauty
did a benign star of the heavens ever pour
into created works?
What inner goodness
ever made a soul so adorned and beautiful
In this or any other age,
that may equal the beauty that, within or without,
this fair and noble lady of ours shows?

Link to musical piece: Qual grazia o qual beltate