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S'omai d'ogni su' errore

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Luzzasco Luzzaschi (1545-1607)
Music source: Il quarto libro de madrigali a5 voci (Vittorio Baldini press, Ferrara, 1594)

Original ItalianTranslation
S'omai d'ogni su' errore
l'alma, Signor, pentita,
perdon ti chiede e in un ti chiede aita:
tu fonte di pietà, tu mar di spene,
per cui pur si mantiene
questa del mondo rio misera valle.
A' prieghi miei, deh, non voltar le spalle!
Deh no, dolce Signore,
ma ver me suoni tua paterna voce,
quall'udì già il buon ladrone in croce.
If now, in its every error,
my soul, O Lord, penitent,
asks you for pardon, and asks you at once for aid:
you, fount of pity, you, sea of hope,
by whom surely is upheld
in this miserable valley of the cruel world.
Ah, do not turn your back on my prayers!
Ah, no, sweet Lord,
but may your fatherly voice sound toward me,
that which was once heard by the good thief upon the cross.

Link to musical piece: S'omai d'ogni su' errore