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Vaghe ninfe selvagge

Poet/poetic source: Erasmo da Valvasone (1523-1593)
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Giovanni de Macque (c.1548-1614)
Music source: Il Trionfo di Dori (Gardano press, Venice, 1592)

Original ItalianTranslation
Vaghe Ninfe selvagge
e Pastorelli amanti,
tra mille suon'e canti
trahean liete carole
al dolce orezzo dell'ombrose piagge,
quando ecco e Dori apparve.
Distese allor, quasi invaghit'il sole
dal ciel raggi più belli.
L'aria s'empì di vezzosetti Amori
ed ogni nebbia sparve.
La salutar' da' rami i vaghi augelli
e le Ninfe e i Pastori
tutti cantar': «viva la bella Dori!»
Lovely wild Nymphs
and loving Shepherds,
amidst a thousand sounds and songs
danced along in joyful circles
in the sweet breeze of the shaded slopes,
when behold: Dori appeared.
Then, almost enchanted, the sun spread
from the heavens the loveliest rays.
The air was filled with charming amorous cherubs
and every mist vanished.
Happy birds greeted her from the branches
and the Nymphs and Shepherds
all sang: 'Long live fair Dori!'

Link to musical piece: Vaghe ninfe selvagge