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Clori nel mio partire

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il sesto libro de madrigali a5 voci (Gardano press, Venice, 1594)

Original ItalianTranslation
Clori nel mio partire
languiva al mio languire,
e dalle luci ov'ha ricetto Amore,
cadeano a mille a mille
le rugiadose stille.
Cauto v'accorse il mio dolente core
e da begli occhi intanto
co' baci n'involò quel vago pianto.
Meraviglia gentile e non più udita:
quel pianto il cibo fu della mia vita!
Or che di lei son privo,
mercè di quelle lagrime mi vivo.
Clori, at my departure,
languished at my languishing,
and from her eyes where love had sheltered
by the thousands fell
dewy drops.
Wary, my sorrowful heart rushed to her
and from those lovely eyes
with kisses, stole away that beautious weeping.
A gentle marvel, heard of no more,
those tears were the nourishment for my life!
Now that I am of her deprived,
thanks to those tears I live.

Link to musical piece: Clori nel mio partire