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Com'è dolce il gioire

Poet/poetic source: Giovanni Battista Guarini, Il Pastor Fido Atto III Scena 6
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il settimo libro de madrigali a5 voci (Angelo Gardano press, Venice, 1595)

Original ItalianTranslation
Com'è dolce il gioire, o vago Tirsi,
per gratissima Donna che t'adori
quanto fai tu la tua
crudele ed amarissima Amarilli;
com'è soave cosa
tanto goder quant'ami,
tanto aver quanto brami;
sentir che la tua donna
ai tuoi caldi sospiri,
caldamente sospiri,
e dica poi: «Ben mio,
quanto son, quanto miri,
tutto è tuo. S'io son bella,
a te solo son bella; a te s'adorna
questo viso, quest'oro e questo seno;
in questo petto mio
alberghi tu, caro mio cor, non io».
Sweet is the joy, oh handsome Tirsi,
to the most grateful Lady who adores you,
as much as you do to your
cruel and most bitter Amaryllis;
How sweet it is
to enjoy as much as you love,
to have as much as you desire;
to feel that your lady
at your ardent sighs,
sighs ardently,
and then says: my dear,
as much as I am, as much as you see,
all is yours. If I am beautiful,
beautiful to you alone am I; for you is adorned
this face, this gold [hair], and this bosom;
in this breast of mine
you dwell, my dear heart, not I.

Link to musical piece: Com'è dolce il gioire