Poet/poetic source: Jacopo Sannazaro, Arcadia, Ecloga II
Poetic form/text type: None
Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il secondo libro de madrigali a5 voci (Venice, 1582)
Original Italian | Translation |
Fillida mia, più che i ligustri bianca, più vermiglia che'l prato a mezzo aprile, più fugace che cerva, ed a me più proterva ch'a Pan non fu colei che vinta e stanca divenne canna tremula e sottile; Per guiderdon delle gravose some, deh! spargi al vento le dorate chiome. |
My Fillida, more white than privets, more rosy than the meadow in mid-April, more fleeting than deer, and to me more obstinate than \auto-footnote "she" \italic "'she' here refers to Syrinx, the nymph pursed by Pan, who threw herself into a river and was changed into a hollow reed, which Pan used to make panpipes." was to Pan, when she, defeated and weary, was transformed into a slight and trembling weed; In reward for my heavy burdens, ah! let loose your golden locks in the wind. |