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Fiume ch'a l'onde tue: Prima e seconda parte

Poet/poetic source: Antonio Ongaro (c.1560-1593)
Poetic form/text type: sonnet

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il nono libro de madrigali a5 voci (Angelo Gardano press, Venice, 1599)

Original ItalianTranslation
Fiume ch'a l'onde tue Ninfe e Pastori
inviti con soave mormorio,
col cui consiglio il suo bel crin vid'io
spesso Fillide mia cinger di fiori,
s'ai tuoi cristalli in su l'estivi ardori
sovente accrebbi lagrimando un rio,
mostrami per pietà l'idolo mio
nel tuo fugace argento onde io l'onori.

Ahi tu mel nieghi: io credea crudi i mari,
i fiumi no, ma tu da lo splendore,
ch'in te si specchia ad esser crudo impari,
prodigo a te del pianto, a lei del core.
Fui lasso e sono, e voi mi sete avari:
tu della bella imago, ella d'Amore.
River that by your waves you invite Nymphs and Shepherds
with your gentle murmur,
under whose counsel I oft see
my Phyllis's lovely hair crowned with flowers:
if in your crystal waters in summer's heat,
I added a stream with my tears,
show me then, if but by pity, my idol
that in your fleeting silver I might honor her.

Alas, you deny it to me: I thought the seas were cruel,
but not the rivers, but from the splendor
reflected in you, you learn to be cruel;
I gift you with my lament, and to her my heart,
I was and I am bereft, and you both are miserly to me:
you with her beautiful image, she with Love.

Link to musical piece: Fiume ch'a l'onde tue