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Io, che forma celeste in terra scorsi: Seconda parte

Poet/poetic source: Torquato Tasso (1544-1595)
Poetic form/text type: sonnet

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il terzo libro de madrigali a6 voci (Scotto press, Venice, 1585)

Original ItalianTranslation
Io, che forma celeste in terra scorsi,
rinchiusi i lumi, e dissi: Ahi, come è stolto
sguardo che 'n lei sia d'affisarsi ardito!
Ma dell'altro periglio non m'accorsi:
ché mi fu per l'orecchie il cor ferito
e i detti andaro ove non giunse in volto.
I, who glimpsed that celestial form on earth,
closed my eyes, and said: Ah, how foolish is
the glance that fixes boldly upon her.
But of the other danger I was not quick to perceive:
for it was through my ears my heart was wounded
and what she said went where her face did not reach.

Link to musical piece: Io, che forma celeste in terra scorsi