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La bella Ninfa mia, ch'al Tebro infiora

Poet/poetic source: Francesco Maria Molza (1489-1544)
Poetic form/text type: ottava rima

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il secondo libro de madrigali a5 voci (Venice, 1582)

Original ItalianTranslation
La bella Ninfa mia, ch'al Tebro infiora
col piè le sponde, e co' begli occhi affrena
rapido corso, allor che discolora
le piagge il ghiaccio, con sì dolce pena
a seguir le sue orme m'innamora,
ch'io piango, e rido, e non la scorgo a pena,
ch'io scopro in lei mille vaghezze ascose,
ed entro a l'alma un bel giardin di rose.
My lovely Nymph, who bedecks the banks of the Tiber with flowers
by her steps, and with her beautiful eyes bridles
its rapid course, when the frost discolors
is shores, with such sweet torment
makes me fall in love, following her footsteps,
that I weep, and laugh, and but scarce glimpse her
that I discover in her a thousand hidden charms
and within my soul, a beautiful garden of roses.

Link to musical piece: La bella Ninfa mia, ch'al Tebro infiora