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Lasso ch'io ardo e'l mio bel sole ardente

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous Poet
Poetic form/text type: None

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il primo libro de madrigali a 5 voci (Gardano press, Venice, 1580)

Original ItalianTranslation
Lasso ch'io ardo e'l mio bel sole ardente
i suoi bei raggi d'oro
volge in altr'oriente,
ivi imperla, ivi indora ed io mi moro.
Amor, deh torna a me torna la chiara
bella mia luce e cara.
Alas, for I burn, and my beautiful blazing sun
turns her alluring golden rays
in another direction,
there covered in pearls, there gilded, and I die.
Love, ah, return to me, return that bright
beautiful light of mine, so dear.

Link to musical piece: Lasso ch'io ardo e'l mio bel sole ardente