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Piangea Filli

Poet/poetic source: Giovan Battista Strozzi il vecchio (1504-1571)
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il terzo libro de madrigali a6 voci (Scotto press, Venice, 1585)

Original ItalianTranslation
Piangea Filli, e rivolte ambe le luci
al ciel, ch'anch'ei piangea:
«O Tirsi, o Tirsi» pur mesta dicea;
«O Tirsi, o Tirsi» mormoravan l'onde;
«O Tirsi, o Tirsi» i venti;
«O Tirsi, o Tirsi» i fior, l'erbe, e le fronde.
Ei sol quei duri accenti
ei sol non udia, lasso,
e pur se'n giva, e pur doppiava il passo.
Filli wept, and turned both her eyes
to the heavens, which also wept:
'O Tirsi, O Tirsi,' she sorrowfully said;
'O Tirsi, O Tirsi,' murmured the waves;
'O Tirsi, O Tirsi,' the winds;
'O Tirsi, O Tirsi,' the flowers, the grass, and the leaves.
He alone, those hard words
only he did not hear, alas,
and yet he still went on, and even doubled his pace.

Link to musical piece: Piangea Filli