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Questa di verdi erbette

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: None

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il primo libro de madrigali a 5 voci (Gardano press, Venice, 1580)

Original ItalianTranslation
Questa di verdi erbette
e di novelli fior tessuta or ora
vaga e gentil ghirlanda,
giovin pastor, ti manda
l'amata e bella Flora,
che con le sue caprette
sta in riva al Tebro soggiornando e dice,
ch'ivi or t'aspetta e ti vo' far felice.
Just now woven of green herbs
and of fresh flowers,
this lovely and dainty garland,
is sent to you, O youthful shepherd,
by your beloved and beautiful Flora,
who with her young goats,
tarries on the banks of the Tiber and says
that she now awaits you and wishes to make you happy.

Link to musical piece: Questa di verdi erbette