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Stringeami Galatea: Prima e seconda parte

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: Il terzo libro de madrigali a6 voci (Scotto press, Venice, 1585)

Original ItalianTranslation
Stringeami Galatea
fra le sue nude braccia,
com'edra suol che'l caro tronco allaccia.
E col nettar de baci
e rapidi e tenaci
tal gioia mi porgea
ch'ebbro dalla dolcezza,
ebb'in quel punto di morir vaghezza.

Ella che se n'accorse i dolci rai
chiuse pietosa in languidetti giri,
poi disse a me: Cor mio, lascia ch'omai
l'anima tua nella mia bocca spiri.
Galatea held me tight
in her bare arms,
like ivy around a beloved trunk entwined.
And with the nectar of her kisses,
swift and repeated,
she gave me such joy
that drunk from the sweetness,
I longed to die at that moment.

She, noticing this, closed her sweet eyes
compassionately with languid blinks,
then said to me: My heart, let your soul
now breathe into my mouth.

Link to musical piece: Stringeami Galatea