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Uscite, uscite ninfe

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599)
Music source: La ruzina di diversi a 6 voci (Gardano press, Venice, 1591)

Original ItalianTranslation
Uscite, uscite ninfe
dalle piĆ¹ chiare e inargentate linfe
ch'in vago seggio avete
nel pian ch'il Tebro irriga altero e adorno;
e vezzosette e liete,
care danze menando e balli intorno,
di Laura e di Florindo a gli aurei crini
di gemme e di lapilli
fregio onorato ordite, indi sfavilli
col canto il nome e 'l pregio lor s'inchini.
Leave, nymphs, go
from your most clear and silvery streams,
where you have your happy abode,
onto the plain where the proud and graceful Tiber is watered;
there, charming and joyful,
leading dances and ballets all around,
over the golden tresses of Laura and Florindo
of gems and precious stones,
weave an honored garland, that sparkles
so that with song, their name and glory all may acclaim.

Link to musical piece: Uscite, uscite ninfe