Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: madrigal
Music composer: Philippe de Monte (1521-1603)
Music source: Il secondo libro de' madrigali spirituali a 6 e 7 voci (Angelo Gardano press, Venice, 1589)
Original Italian | Translation |
Non son degn'io, Signore, che tu degni d'entrar \auto-footnote "sotto il mio tetto," \italic "Under my roof: see Matthew 8:8 " perché ostinato errore lui tutto guasto ed ha me stesso infetto. Però comanda solo ch'in un momento a volo, n'andrà dispersa ogni sua macchia e fia sana l'anima mia. |
I am not worthy, Lord, that you deign to enter under my roof, because stubborn sin has completely corrupted it and has infected myself. Yet, command only that in a fleeting moment every stain of it will be swept away, and my soul will be healed. |