Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: None
Music composer: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c.1525-1594)
Music source: Il secondo libro de le muse da diversi musici (Gardano press, Venice, 1559)
Original Italian | Translation |
Poscia ché per mio mal vi son sì lunge non sia ceca la vista della mente, ch'ognor mi rende la gentil sembianza, m'ascicura e spaventa, sana e punge, talor speme e timor così sovente cresce il pianto e'l dolore ch'ogn'altro avanza. |
Since in my suffering I am so far from you let not the vision of my mind be blind, for it always brings back your lovely countenance, assures and fightens me, heals and wounds, at times hope and fear so frequently grow that my weeping and pain surpass all else. |