Poet/poetic source: Ippolito Capilupi (1511-1580)
Poetic form/text type: None
Music composer: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
Music source: Il desiderio, secondo libro de' madrigali a 5 voci di diverse (Scotto press, Venice, 1566)
Original Italian | Translation |
Vestiva i colli e le campagne intorno la primavera di novelli onori e spirava soavi arabi odori, cinta d'erbe, di fronde il crin adorno, quando Licori, a l'apparir del giorno, cogliendo di sua man purpurei fiori, mi disse in guidardon di tanti ardori: «A te li colgo ed ecco, io te n'adorno.» |
Spring clothed the hills and the fields around with new splendor, and breathed sweet Arabian fragrances, encircled with herbs, its locks adorned by leaves, when Licori, at the appearance of dawn, gathering by his hand purple flowers, said to me, in reward for such ardor: 'For you I pick these, and look, I adorn you with them.' |