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Deh dolce anima mia

Poet/poetic source: Giovanni Battista Guarini, Il Pastor Fido Atto III Scena 4 (or a paraphrase)
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Benedetto Pallavicino (c.1551-1601)
Music source: Il sesto libro de madrigali a5 voci (Angelo Gardano press, Venice, 1600)

Original ItalianTranslation
Deh dolce anima mia,
non pianger più se m'ami e ti consola
ch'infinita è la schiera
degli infelici amanti;
Vive ben altri in pianti,
si come tu mio core;
Ogni ferita ha seco il suo dolore,
né se' tu solo a lagrimar d'Amore.
Oh, my sweet soul,
weep no more if you love me, and console yourself
that infinite are the ranks
of unhappy lovers;
Others live as well in tears
just like you, my heart;
Each wound has within it its own pain,
nor you are not alone in weeping for Love.

Link to musical piece: Deh dolce anima mia