Poet/poetic source: Giovanni Battista Guarini (1538-1612)
Poetic form/text type: madrigal
Music composer: Giovanni Pasta (1604-1663/4)
Music source: Affetti d'Erato, madrigali in concerto a 2, 3 e 4 voci (Alessandro Vincenti press, Venice, 1626)
Original Italian | Translation |
Voi pur da me partite, anima dura, né vi duole il partire; ohimé quest'è morire crudele, e voi gioite? Quest'è vicino aver l'ora suprema, e voi non la sentite? O meraviglia di durezza estrema: Uscir l'alma d'un core, e separarsi, e non sentir dolore. |
You indeed leave me, you hard soul, and this parting does not grieve you; alas! this is to die, cruel one, and you rejoice? This is to approach our final hour and you do not feel it? Oh wonder of utmost hardness. [for] the soul to leave a heart and separate, and to not feel pain. |