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In questo seno estinto

Poet/poetic source: Girolamo Casoni (c.1528-1592)
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Andrea Rota (c.1553-1597)
Music source: Il secondo libro de madrigali a 5 voci (Angelo Gardano press, Venice, 1589)

Original ItalianTranslation
In questo seno estinto
son io candido fiore,
già de' più lieti campi il prim'onore.
Qui, da tema e sospetto,
fui tanto chiuso e stretto
ch'io mi morii di troppo grave arsura.
O per me bella e nobil sepoltura.
In this lifeless breast
I am a pale flower,
once once the chief honor of happier fields.
Here, from fear and suspicion,
I was so enclosed and bound
that I died of too great a drought.
O, for me, a fair and noble grave.

Link to musical piece: In questo seno estinto