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Notte felice, avventurosa e bella

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: None

Music composer: Alessandro Striggio (c.1536-1592)
Music source: Il primo libro de madrigali a5 voci (Antonio Gardano press, Venice, 1560)

Original ItalianTranslation
Notte felice, avventurosa e bella
che dopo tante pene e dolor tanti,
dopo singolti e pianti,
pur mi guidasti in braccio alla mia stella
ove donasti alla virtù smarrita
sì dolce e cara vita.
Ma il sol poi troppo caminando forte
tosto condusse il giorno, ond'io ebbi morte.
Happy night, fortunate and lovely,
for after so many pains and such grief,
after sighs and tears,
you guided me yet into the embrace of my star,
wherein you gave me back my lost strength,
such sweet and dear life.
But then the sun, rising too swiftly,
quickly brought the day, and I perished.

Link to musical piece: Notte felice, avventurosa e bella