Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: madrigal
Music composer: Orazio Vecchi (1550-1605)
Music source: La ruzina di diversi a 6 voci (Gardano press, Venice, 1591)
Original Italian | Translation |
Questi nel mio partir ch'escon dal core angosciosi sospir in copia ardenti, Donna, fede vi fan de' miei tormenti, e queste amare lagrime ch'io verso in abundanza, ohimè! dagli occhi fuore v'accertan ben dell'aspro mio dolore. Ecco vi lascio 'l cor di piant'asperso, del mio fedel servir pegno verace: Restate vita mia, restate in pace. |
These anguished skies that flee my heart with my departure in burning abundance, Lady, bear witness to you of my torments, and these bitter tears that I shed in abundance, Alas! from my eyes well assure you of my cruel sorry. Here I leave you my heart, bedewed with weeping, a true token of my faithful service: Leave me my life, abide in peace. |