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Ben fu l'ape ingegnosa

Poet/poetic source: Anonymous poet
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Pietro Vinci (c.1525-1584)
Music source: Li amorosi ardori di diversi musici a 5 voci (Angelo Gardano, Venice, 1583)

Original ItalianTranslation
Ben fu l'ape ingegnosa
che vi punse il bel viso
quanto a voi cruda tant'altrui pietosa;
volse, per vostro avviso
far d'altrui la vendetta
con voi, vaga angioletta,
novell'ape d'amore:
forse senza pietà pungete il core.
The crafty bee
that stung your lovely face,
was as cruel to you as it was merciful to others;
it wanted, upon your advice,
to take revenge for others
with you, lovely little angel,
oh new bee of love:
perhaps without pity, you sting the heart.

Link to musical piece: Ben fu l'ape ingegnosa