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Non fonte, o fiume, od aura

Poet/poetic source: Torquato Tasso (1544-1595)
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Paolo Virchi (c.1551-1610)
Music source: Il primo libro de madrigali a 5 voci (Vincenti e Amadino press, Venice, 1584)

Original ItalianTranslation
Non fonte, o fiume, od aura
odo in più chiaro suon della mia Laura;
né'n lauro o in pino o in mirto
mormorar s'udì mai più dolce spirto.
O felice, a cui spira!
E quel beato che per lei sospira!
Ché se gli inspira il core,
pote al cielo aspirar col suo valore.
In no fountain, or river, or breeze
hear I a clearer sound than that of my Laura;
Nor in laurel, or pine, or in myrtle
has ever been heard the murmuring of a sweeter spirit.
O happy is he to whom she breathes!
and that blessed the one who for her sighs!
For if for him she inspires his heart,
he may, with her worth, aspire to heaven.

Link to musical piece: Non fonte, o fiume, od aura