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Qual Cervo errando suole

Poet/poetic source: Torquato Tasso (1544-1595)
Poetic form/text type: madrigal

Music composer: Paolo Virchi (c.1551-1610)
Music source: Il primo libro de madrigali a 5 voci (Vincenti e Amadino press, Venice, 1584)

Original ItalianTranslation
Qual Cervo errando suole
fuggir saette o dardi
io fuggiva i begli occhi e i dolci sguardi,
Fra l'erbe e le viole,
quando costei mi giunse e col suo viso
non pur con le parole
vita e morte mi dié così gradita:
morte, perché diviso
fui da me stesso, e vita
perché l'alma felice è seco unita.
As a Deer wandering is wont
to flee arrows or darts,
I fled her beautiful eyes and sweet glances,
amidst the grasses and the violets,
when she came to me, and with her visage,
not simply her words,
granted me life and death, so welcome:
death, because I was divided
from myself, and life
because my happy soul is united with hers.

Link to musical piece: Qual Cervo errando suole