Hawthorne Early Music editions: Canzoniere 106

Nova angeletta sovra l'ale accorta

Canzoniere #106 (CVI)

Poetic form: madrigale

Nova angeletta sovra l'ale accorta
scese dal cielo in su la fresca riva,
là 'nd'io passava sol per mio destino.

Poi che senza compagna et senza scorta
mi vide, un laccio che di seta ordiva
tese fra l'erba, ond'è verde il camino.

Allor fui preso; et non mi spiacque poi,
sì dolce lume uscia degli occhi suoi.
A new young angel carried by her wings
descended from the sky to the green bank,
there where I passed, alone, to my destiny,

When she saw I was without companion,
or guard, she stretched a noose, woven of silk,
in the grass, with which the way was turfed.

Then I was captured: and later it did not displease me,
so sweet a light issued from her eyes.

All translations copyrighted by A.S. Kline, and are used with explicit permission.

Francesco Manara (fl.1548-1591) Nova angeletta italian 4 Score + parts                              
Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599) Nuova angioletta sovra l'ale accorte italian 4 Score + parts