My Lord and Most Respected Patron,

Of the wise Chilon of Lacedonia, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, who said that one should always remember and never forget the benefits received from others, as forgetting them is a sign of ingratitude. Therefore, in order not to fall into this error and having received many notable favors from Your Illustriousness, for which I am infinitely indebted, and not having any other way to acknowledge my appreciation, I have composed some songs on various subjects and I think it is appropriate to dedicate them to your Illustrious name before anyone else, not as something worthy of you, but to reveal my gratitude and my desire to always serve you faithfully, loving and honoring you. Will your Illustriousness deign to accept them as the first fruits, not yet fully ripe, of my small garden, with that humanity that, in addition to many other virtues, makes you dear to everyone. I promise that if a more favorable season is granted to me, I will make you a part of more ripe and tasty fruits. In the meantime, I will pray to our Lord God that He gives you long life and happiness.

From Your Most Illustrious Excellency’s

Devoted Servant

Il Sessa D’Aranda.