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Music about or involving animals scores

This is a new category, and I'm still trying to figure out which pieces should go in it. It features songs and instrumental pieces involving animals (literal or metaphorically, mythical or real). I'm leaving out pieces with just passing mentions.

Hawthorne Early Music editions: animal scores
ComposerTitleSubtitle# PartsLanguageModeFiles
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) The greedy Hawk with sudden sight of lure 3 english Ionian Score + Parts
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) Compel the Hawk to sit 5 english Hypodorian Score + Parts
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) The nightingale so pleasant and so gay 3 english Ionian Score + Parts
Pietro Vinci (c.1525-1584) Ben fu l'ape ingegnosa 5 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Giaches de Wert (1535-1596) Quel rosignol Prima parte 6 italian Hypodorian Score + Parts
Giaches de Wert (1535-1596) Vezzosi Augelli infra le verdi fronde 5 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Baldassare Donato (c.1530-1603) E quando a fato l'ovo la mattina la mia gallina La canzon della gallina 4 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) The Silver Swan 5 english Ionian Score + Parts
Orazio Vecchi (1550-1605) Il bianco e dolce cigno 5 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Orlande de Lassus (c.1532-1594) Quel rosignuol Prima parte 5 italian Hypodorian Score + Parts
Giovanni Croce (1557-1609) Canzon del Cucco e Rossignuolo con la sentenza del Pappagallo 5 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Adriano Banchieri (1568-1634) Capriciata à 3 voci 3 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Adriano Banchieri (1568-1634) Contraponto bestiale alla mente 5 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599) Tigre mia 6 italian Hypodorian Score + Parts
Paolo Virchi (c.1551-1610) Ape sacra e gentile 5 italian Dorian Score + Parts
Jacques Arcadelt (c.1507-1568) Il bianco e dolce cigno 4 italian Ionian Score + Parts
Giandominico La Martoretta (fl.1544-66) O fortunato augello 4 italian Dorian Score + Parts
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) Fantasie: Il Grillo 2 instrumental Ionian Score + Parts
Andrea Gabrieli (c.1532-1585) Dunque sia vero Prima parte 7 italian Hypodorian Score + Parts
Marco Uccellini (c.1603-1680) L'Emenfrodito Aria IX 3 instrumental Ionian Score + Parts
Orazio Vecchi (1550-1605) The white delightful Swanne Il bianco e dolce cigno 5 english Ionian Score + Parts