Hawthorne Early Music editions: English pieces
Composer | Title | Subitle | Language | # Parts | Mode | Files |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Go ye my Canzonets | english | 2 | Phrygian [final: A, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Sweet Nymphe come to thy lover | english | 2 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Henry VIII of England (1491-1547) | Pastime with Good Company | The Kings ballad | english | 3 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
John Wilbye (1574-1638) | Fly aloft, love | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | See, see, myne own sweet jewell | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Joy, joy doth so arise | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Cruel, you pull away too soone | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Ladie those eyes of yours | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Hould out, my hart | english | 3 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Good morrow, faire ladies | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Whether away so fast | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Blow, Shepherds, blow | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Deep Lamenting | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Farewell Disdainful | english | 3 | Dorian [final: D, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | O Fly Not | english | 3 | Hypodorian [final: A, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Thirsis | english | 3 | Hypodorian [final: A, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Now Must I Die | english | 3 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Lady if I through grief | english | 3 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Cease Mine Eyes | english | 3 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Do You Not Know | english | 3 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Where art Thou, Wanton? | english | 3 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | What Ails my Darling | english | 3 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Say Dear, Will You Not Have Me | english | 3 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Arise, Get up my Dear | english | 3 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | The Eagle's force subdues each Bird that flies | english | 3 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Lord in thy rage rebuke me not | english | 3 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Right blest are they whose wicked sins | english | 3 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Lord in thy wrath correct me not | english | 3 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | O God which art most merciful | english | 3 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Lord hear my prayer instantly | english | 3 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | From depth of sin, O Lord to thee | english | 3 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Attend mine humble prayer Lord | english | 3 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Susanna fayre | english | 3 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | The nightingale so pleasant and so gay | english | 3 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | When younglings first on Cupid fix their sight | The first part | english | 3 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | But when by proof they find that he did see | The second part | english | 3 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Upon a summer's day love went to swim | The first part | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Then for a boat his quiver stood in stead | The second part | english | 3 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | The greedy Hawk with sudden sight of lure | english | 3 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Giaches de Wert (1535-1596) | Who will ascend to heaven? | Chi salira per me madonna in cielo | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Giovanni Bassano (c.1558-1617) | Now that any creature | Ora che ogni animal | english | 4 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
John Farmer (c.1570-1605) | Our Father which in heaven art | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
John Farmer (c.1570-1605) | Our Father which in heaven art | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Noƫ Faignient (fl.c.1560-1600) | These that be certain signs | Questi ch'indizio fan del mio tormento | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Richard Alison (c.1560-c.1610) | Be light and glad, in God rejoice | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Richard Alison (c.1560-c.1610) | Be light and glad, in God rejoice | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Richard Allison (c.1560-c.1610) | O Lord turn not away thy face | english | 4 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Campion (1567-1620) | Author of Light | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: G, 2 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | The man is blest that hath not bent | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | The man is blest that hath not bent | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) | Besides a fountain | english | 4 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | Come holy Ghost eternal God | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | O Lord because my hearts desire | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | Lord to thee I make my moan | english | 4 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | When as we at in Babylon | english | 4 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | Give peace in these our days O Lord | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | Come holy Ghost eternal God | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | O Lord because my hearts desire | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | Lord to thee I make my moan | english | 4 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | When as we at in Babylon | english | 4 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | Praise the Lord O ye Gentiles all | A Psalm before Morning Prayer | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Ravenscroft (c.1592-c.1635) | Give peace in these our days O Lord | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Man blest no doubt | The first tune | english | 4 | Dorian [final: D, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Man blest no doubt | The first tune | english | 4 | Dorian [final: D, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Let God arise in majesty | The second tune | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Let God arise in majesty | The second tune | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Why fumeth in sight | The third tune | english | 4 | Phrygian [final: E, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Why fumeth in sight | The third tune | english | 4 | Phrygian [final: E, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | O come in one to praise the Lord | The fourth tune | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: A, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | O come in one to praise the Lord | The fourth tune | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: A, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Even like the hunted hind | The fifth tune | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Even like the hunted hind | The fifth tune | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Expend O Lord my plaint of word | The sixth tune | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Expend O Lord my plaint of word | The sixth tune | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Why braggest in malice high? | The seventh tune | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Why braggest in malice high? | The seventh tune | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | God grant with grace he us embrace | The eightht tune | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | God grant with grace he us embrace | The eighth tune | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Come Holy Ghost | english | 4 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Praise the Lord O ye Gentiles all | A Psalm before Morning Prayer | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Man blest no doubt | The first tune | english | 4 | Dorian [final: D, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Man blest no doubt | The first tune | english | 4 | Dorian [final: D, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Let God arise in majesty | The second tune | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Let God arise in majesty | The second tune | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Why fumeth in sight | The third tune | english | 4 | Phrygian [final: E, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Why fumeth in sight | The third tune | english | 4 | Phrygian [final: E, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | O come in one to praise the Lord | The fourth tune | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: A, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | O come in one to praise the Lord | The fourth tune | english | 4 | Hypodorian [final: A, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Even like the hunted hind | The fifth tune | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Even like the hunted hind | The fifth tune | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Expend O Lord my plaint of word | The sixth tune | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Expend O Lord my plaint of word | The sixth tune | english | 4 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Why braggest in malice high? | The seventh tune | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Why braggest in malice high? | The seventh tune | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | God grant with grace he us embrace | The eightht tune | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | God grant with grace he us embrace | The eighth tune | english | 4 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) | Come Holy Ghost | english | 4 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Rejoice, rejoice | english | 4 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
Alfonso Ferrabosco, Sr. (1543-1588) | Susanna fayre sometime of love | Svsann' unjour | english | 5 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Alfonso Ferrabosco, Sr. (1543-1588) | I saw my lady weeping | Vidi pianger Madonna (part one) | english | 5 | Phrygian [final: A, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Alfonso Ferrabosco, Sr. (1543-1588) | Like as from heaven | Come dal ciel | english | 5 | Phrygian [final: A, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Anonymous | Come Holy Ghost | english | 5 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
John Dowland (c.1563-1626) | Clear or Cloudy | english | 5 | Ionian [final: G, -1 flats] | Score + parts | |
Orazio Vecchi (1550-1605) | The white delightful Swanne | Il bianco e dolce cigno | english | 5 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) | The Silver Swan | english | 5 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Compel the Hawk to sit | english | 5 | Hypodorian [final: A, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | From Virgin's womb this day | A carol for Christmas day | english | 5 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Of gold all burnish'd | The first part | english | 5 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Her breath is more sweet | The second part | english | 5 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | O God give ear and do apply | english | 5 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Help Lord, for wasted are those men | english | 5 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Though Amaryllis daunce in green | english | 5 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | O you that hear this voice | english | 5 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | What pleasure have great princes | english | 5 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | All as a Sea | english | 5 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Susanna Faire | english | 5 | Hypodorian [final: A, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Though Amaryllis Dance in Green | english | 5 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | In Fields Abroad | english | 5 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | While Phoebus Us'd to Dwell | english | 5 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | O That Most Rare Breast | english | 5 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Where Fancy Fond | english | 5 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | If Women Could be Fair | english | 5 | Mixolydian [final: C, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Who Likes to Love | english | 5 | Mixolydian [final: G, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | I Joy Not in no Earthly Bliss | english | 5 | Mixolydian [final: C, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Come to me, Grief, for Ever | english | 5 | Hypodorian [final: G, 2 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | When I was otherwise | english | 5 | Ionian [final: F, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Triumph, with pleasant melody | english | 5 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Lullabie | english | 5 | Mixolydian [final: C, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Why do I use my paper, pen and ink | english | 5 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Care for thy soul | english | 5 | Dorian [final: D, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Lord in thy wrath | english | 5 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Prostrate, O Lord, I lie | english | 5 | Ionian [final: C, 0 flats] | Score + parts | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | How long shall mine enemies | english | 5 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
Alfonso Ferrabosco, Sr. (1543-1588) | These that bee certaine signes | Questi ch'indizio | english | 6 | Dorian [final: D, 0 flats] | Score + parts |
John Ward (c.1589-1638) | Come, sable night | english | 6 | Mixolydian [final: C, 1 flat] | Score + parts | |
John Wilbye (1574-1638) | Draw on Sweet Night | english | 6 | Dorian [final: D, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
Thomas Weelkes (1576-1623) | Death hath deprived me | A remembrance of my friend, M. Thomas Morley | english | 6 | Hypodorian [final: A, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Have mercy upon me O God | english | 6 | Dorian [final: G, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | This day Christ was born | english | 6 | Dorian [final: D, 0 flats] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | How vain the toils | english | 6 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Christ rising again | english | 6 | Phrygian [final: A, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube | |
William Byrd (c.1540-1623) | Christ is Risen Again | english | 6 | Hypodorian [final: D, 1 flat] | Score + parts Watch on youtube |